Ximagic Denoiser toolbox
Ximagic Denoiser is a Photoshop plugin for image noise reduction.
It provides seven different methods for noise reduction
- Median (Std/Center Weighted)
- Gauss (Std/Bilateral)
- DWT (Overcomplete Wavelets)
- CWT (Complex Wavelets)
- DCT (Discrete Cosine)
- NLM (Non Local Means)
- Non-linear (anisotropic) diffusion (Curvature & Gradient)
Support of 8/16 bits images. Support of Photoshop actions/batch Support use as Smart filter Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts Mac and Windows versions
Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...
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Ximagic Quantizer toolbox
Ximagic Quantizer is a Photoshop plugin for image color quantization (color reduction) & dithering.
- Predefined palette quantization
- Custom palette quantization
- 10 calculated quantization methods.
- Uniform
- Popularity
- Octree
- Median
- Xiaolin Wu v2
- Dennis lee v3
- Binary Split
- Lloyd (K-Means)
- NeuQuant
- SColorQ
- 2 error diffusion dither methods.
- 8 Array patterns (floyd-steinberg, ulichney, fan, jarvis, stucki, sierra).
- 1 Space filling curve (riemersma)
Support of 8/16 bits images. Support of Photoshop actions/batch Support use as Smart filter Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts Mac and Windows versions
Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...
Important: This plugin reduces the number of colors in a image, but doesn't change a RGB image to indexed color. If you want to use it to change an image from RGB to index color, you should use your image tool to change the image mode, after running Ximagic Quantizer.
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Ximagic GrayDither toolbox
Ximagic GrayDither is a Photoshop plugin to reduce color/grayscale images to n-level gray using dithering. As a particular case could produce B/W bitmap images (2-level grayscale)
- Automatic conversion RGB color to grayscale using Y in YCbCr color space
- 4 threshold dithering methods.
- 17 Fixed patterns (clustered-dot, dispersed-dot, etc)
- 5 Calculated patterns.
- User defined patterns
- Random
- 2 error dithering methods.
- 8 Array patterns (floyd-steinberg, ulichney, fan, jarvis, stucki, sierra).
- 1 Space filling curve (riemersma)
- Direct binary search (DBS) dithering.
Support of 8/16 bits images. Support of Photoshop actions/batch Support use as Smart filter Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts Mac and Windows versions
Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...
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Ximagic ColorDither toolbox
Ximagic ColorDither is a Photoshop plugin to reduce color/grayscale images to n-level per channel using dithering.
- 4 threshold dithering methods.
- 17 Fixed patterns (clustered-dot, dispersed-dot, etc)
- 5 Calculated patterns.
- User defined patterns
- Random
- 2 error dithering methods.
- 8 Array patterns (floyd-steinberg, ulichney, fan, jarvis, stucki, sierra).
- 1 Space filling curve (riemersma)
Support of 8/16 bits images. Support of Photoshop actions/batch Support use as Smart filter Versions for 32 and 64 bit plugin hosts Mac and Windows versions
Compatible with Paint Shop Pro, The Gimp, IrfanView, XnView, ...
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